Open Door Policy

Open Door Policy

          This political cartoons issue is about how when China finally opened its doors to other countries everyone began fighting to have it as a sphere of influence (which can be seen as the other countries have scissors and are ready to cut a piece of China for themselves). Due to all of these other countries the United States made the Open Door Policy to stop countries from having monopoly trades with China. The cartoonist's message on the issue is that America was really in control of the other countries spheres of influence. Other opinions I can imagine another person might have is that it was not the United States place to dictate or control the other countries in China. The techniques the cartoonist used to make this cartoon persuasive were Labeling and Symbolism. Labeling because on the map below the countries it says Map of China. Symbolism because all the people represent different countries and the scissors represent the other countries spheres of influence.


"American-Imperialism-Political-Cartoon-Activity." Msmcdushistory2 /. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Feb. 2016. <>.


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