Roosevelt Corollary #2

Roosevelt Corollary #2

        This political cartoon's issue is about how European countries still had loose ends in the western hemisphere but Theodore Roosevelt was preventing them from tying it up. (this can been seen on the ships such as debt collector being pulled away by Roosevelt). The cartoonist's message is that no matter what is it Roosevelt doesn't want European countries in the western hemisphere or he will use his "big stick" which can be seen in his hand. Other opinions another person might have is that Roosevelt should let them tie up the loose ends so we do not have to deal with them anymore. The techniques the cartoonist used to make the cartoon persuasive are Exaggeration and Labeling. Exaggeration due to the fact that Teddy Roosevelt is practically a giant. Labeling because the ships all say thing the Europeans need to take care of like debts and the sea says Caribbean Sea on it. 

"Theodore Roosevelt & Big Stick Diplomacy." Theodore Roosevelt & Big Stick Diplomacy. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Feb. 2016. <>.


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