Panama Canal

Panama Canal

           This political cartoon's issue is about how Theodore Roosevelt the Republican (which can be seen due to the elephant on the front of the ship) will stop at nothing to get the Panama Canal (which can be seen with all the weapons on his body)  even if it means ignoring Colombia's will (since Panama is a colony of Cuba and people with flags that say Colombia are in the background but Roosevelt is ignoring them). The cartoonist's message on the issue is that Roosevelt was very desperate for Panama as it would help the navy and commercial ships travel faster. Other opinions I can imagine another person having on the issue is that it was not right to take Panama with negotiating with Colombia first. The techniques the cartoonist used were Labeling and Exaggeration. Labeling due to Panama being right there on the ground, Colombia on the flag of the people in the background, and the deck Roosevelt is walking on saying the Roosevelt Doctrine. Exaggeration due to the fact that Roosevelt has a ton of weapons and is like a giant, Panama is really tiny, and the ship is huge as well.


""Coup D'Etat" A Political Cartoon about the Panama Canal." Group 4s US Foreign Relations Blog. N.p., 12 Sept. 2013. Web. 03 Feb. 2016. <>.


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